Apr 02, 2008 If I am correct, and if this is a good idea: is there any way to get Onyx's or Disk Utility's permission corrector to skip over the /Library folder? I have actually changed the permissions on my /Library folder just to see what would happen. Consequently, Time Machine went out and backed up 1.4GB of stuff. How to view a Mac's /Library folder. There are three ways to easily view your hidden /Library/ folder. In macOS Sierra Apple added a Finder keyboard shortcut that makes it possible to quickly.
Starting with Lion, you’ll need to enable the User’s Library folder in order to make any changes in your User’s Library/Preferences.
Option 1)
Select the Finder in the Dock. Under Go in the Menu bar > hold down the Option key and you’ll see the Library.
Show Library Folder Mac High Sierra
Option 2)
Open the Terminal and type
Show Library Folder Mac Sierra
chflags nohidden /Users/[username]/Library/
Return key to activate
Option 3)
Sierrashow Library Folder Mac 10
Starting with Mavericks, Apple gave us a new option to turn on the User’s Library folder.
To toggle this option on, simply open a new Finder window and go to your home folder. Then press Command-J or choose “Show View Options” from the View menu. When done, you should see an option to “Show Library Folder” among other view options, which can be checked to reveal the Library folder.