RStudio is a set of integrated tools designed to help you be more productive with R. It includes a console, syntax-highlighting editor that supports direct code execution, and a variety of robust tools for plotting, viewing history, debugging and managing your workspace. A Helpful Way to Install R Packages Hosted on GitHub Koji MAKIYAMA (@hoxom) 2018-02-19 Abstract. There is an installgithub function to install R packages hosted on GitHub in the devtools package. But it requests developer’s name. Apr 30, 2019 I needed to install the R package quadprog, which only works for R with version 3.6.0. So I installed R (3.6.0 version), and open it with RStudio. But now I failed to load any libraries, even after I installed the packages successfully using install.packages('packagename'). Specifically, the libraries I need to load are caret, forecast and ggplot2. I tried re-installing R but it still does.
1. Overview
Various people in the world create a growing number of R packages. A part of the cause of it is the devtools package that makes it easy to develop R packages [1]. The devtools package not only facilitates the process to develop R packages but also provides another way to distribute R packages.
When developers publish R packages that created by them, they commonly use CRAN [2]. You can install packages that are available on CRAN using install.package()
. For example, you can install dplyr package as follows:
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The devtools package provides install_github()
that enables installing packages from GitHub.
Therefore, developers can distribute R packages that are developing on GitHub. Besides, there are some developers that they have no intention to submit to CRAN. For instance, Twitter, Inc. provides AnomalyDetection package on GitHub, but they won’t submit to CRAN [3]. You can install such packages conveniently using devtools.
There is a difference between install.packages()
and install_github()
in their required argument. install.packages()
takes package names, while install_github()
needs repository names in addition. It means that when you want to install a package on GitHub, you must remember its repository name correctly.
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The trouble is that the usernames of GitHub are often hard to remember. Developers consider their package names so that users can understand their functionalities intuitively. However, they often decide username incautiously. For instance, ggfortify is an excellent package on GitHub, but who created it? What is its username? The answer is sinhrks[4]. It seems to be difficult to remember it.
The githubinstall package provides a way to install packages on GitHub by only their package names just like install.packages()
suggests GitHub repositories from input package names and asks whether you install it.
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Furthermore, you may succeed in installing packages from a faint memory because our package automatically corrects its spelling by fuzzy string search.