Where Is Library On Mac El Capitan
Photos User Guide
Jun 10, 2015 On your Mac there is a Library folder present inside your Home Folder. For those who are a bit familiar with code, this Library folder is written as /Library, which stands for a folder named as Library in the root level of your account’s home folder.
The Library folder at the root level of your hard drive is a public ‘library’ of data that is required for all users of the Mac. The Library folder within the System folder is critical for the operation of your Mac. At the bottom of the View Options window, check the box labeled Show Library Folder and then close the window with the red close button in the upper-left. You’ll now see your Library folder listed.
By default, the photos and videos you import into Photos are stored in the Photos library in the Pictures folder on your Mac. When you first use Photos, you create a new library or select the library that you want to use. This library automatically becomes your System Photo Library. See System Photo Library overview.
WARNING: To avoid accidentally deleting or corrupting a Photos library, do not alter the contents of a library in the Finder. If you want to copy, move, or transfer files, first export them from the Photos library; do not manually access or change the library in the Finder.
If you import items from a storage device or another folder on your Mac, you can have Photos leave the items in their original locations so they don’t take up extra space on your Mac.
Although storing files outside your Photos library is a great way to save space on your Mac, be aware that:
If you use iCloud Photos, photos and videos that are outside the Photos library aren’t stored in iCloud and won’t be accessible to any other Mac or device that uses iCloud Photos.
If you disconnect the device where the files are located, or move or rename the files in the Finder, Photos won’t be able to locate them.
Where To Find Library On Mac
Tip: If you use iCloud Photos, another good way to save space is to turn on Optimize Mac Storage in iCloud preferences. iCloud Photos then places smaller photo files on your Mac as needed, but all the full-size photos and video are still accessible to your Mac from iCloud.