Merge Photos Libraries Mac Os

Jan 06, 2019 I have multiple iPhoto libraries on an external drive. I want to merge them in on Photos library. I know one option is to open each one as a Photo library and upload to iCloud but I only have a 50 GB iCloud and some of the libraries are larger than that. There is a third party app called. Sep 03, 2015  How to manage multiple Photos libraries on your Mac As an OS X user you likely have at least some of your photos stored in Apple’s provided Photos application, and by doing so, you can use them with iCloud services, and in applications that interface with OS X’s media sharing services. Sep 03, 2015 How to manage multiple Photos libraries on your Mac As an OS X user you likely have at least some of your photos stored in Apple’s provided Photos application, and by doing so, you can use them with iCloud services, and in applications that interface with OS X’s media sharing services. Home / MacOS / PowerPhotos 1.7.7 – For Mac Photos libraries, find duplicates, and More. Previous Next. PowerPhotos 1.7.7 – For Mac Photos libraries, find duplicates, and More. Merge Photos libraries Got a whole bunch of libraries you want to consolidate into one? PowerPhotos lets you merge your libraries together while weeding out. Somehow I've got a multiple Photos libraries which are large enough. Now I'm wondering if I missed some import feature in the Photos app which can merge other library into the current one. I did some research and found export/import solution which most likely will void all metadata. Please advise. Apr 22, 2015  How to use multiple photo libraries with Photos for Mac. Photos for Mac lets you work with multiple libraries. Learn how to choose a default library, open another library, and merge multiple.

I'd like to merge two macOS Photos libraries into one, with the ability to weed out duplicates during the process.

I just sold an old Mac and moved its Photos library onto another Mac with its own existing Photos library. Now I want to merge these two libraries into a single one.
PowerPhotos advertises itself as being able to merge libraries, but in practice it has a non-intuitive interface, and when you dig into its spotty documentation you see misspelled caveats like 'this is sligtly tricky.'
What's a better solution? Thanks!
(I've backed up both Photos libraries to an external drive in case everything goes completely sideways.)
posted by bassomatic to Computers & Internet (5 answers total) 10 users marked this as a favorite
I just imported the second library into the first and then deduped afterwards using a (totally worth it) Duplicate Photo Fixer Pro. Is there a reason you don't want to two step this?
posted by jessamyn at 11:08 AM on November 1, 2017

Merge Photos Libraries Mac OsMerge photos libraries mac os download
Can totally two-step it and merge libraries before de-duping! But how did you import the first library into the second? (Hope it's okay to threadsit and answer specific Qs.)
posted by bassomatic at 11:19 AM on November 1, 2017
posted by humboldt32 at 11:29 AM on November 1, 2017

Merge Photos Libraries Mac Os Free

Yeah I think I did this using iPhoto so my step-by-step is probably not useful but the link humboldt32 offers seems like it will work.
posted by jessamyn at 1:33 PM on November 1, 2017

Wrapping this one up: I ended up using PowerPhotos and succeeded in merging my two libraries through a bit of trial and error. It worked, but if any developers are reading this - there's a real opportunity for someone to create a better way of doing it!
posted by bassomatic at 2:29 PM on November 12, 2017

Combine Photo Libraries Mac

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Merge Two Photos Libraries Mac Os

Merge Photos Libraries Mac Os X

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